
Святлодыёдныя лямпы трубкі Святлодыёдных трубак асвятлення СВД найвышэйшай магутнасці свяцілень Led assenmbly

Святлодыёдныя вытворцаў святлатэхнікі
Святлодыёдным асвятленне завода
Святлодыёдныя лямпы асвятлення
Святлодыёдным асвятленне пастаўшчыком
Святло труб
Святлодыёдныя лямпы вытворцаў
Святлодыёдныя фары трубкі
Святлодыёдныя вытворцы асвятлення ў Кітаі
Святлодыёдныя фары лямпа

Святлодыёдныя лямпы завод
Кітай святлодыёднага асвятлення завода
Святлодыёдныя лямпы пастаўшчыком
Кітай Святлодыёдныя лямпы вытворцаў
Святлодыёдныя лямпы лямпа
Кітай святлодыёдным асвятленне пастаўшчыком
Святлодыёдныя лямпы завод у Кітаі
Святлодыёдныя лямпы трубкі
Энергазберагальныя святлодыёдныя светлавыя рашэнні
Святлодыёдныя лямпы трубкі
Святлодыёдныя лямпы пастаўшчыкоў у Кітаі
Led assenmbly
Святлодыёдных трубак асвятлення
энергазберагальныя лямпачкі
СВД найвышэйшай магутнасці свяцілень
Крыты Святлодыёдныя свяцільні
Святлодыёдныя лямпачкі
Галоўная Святлодыёдныя свяцільні
Святлодыёдныя лямпы лямпы
прывяло святлоаддача
Супер яркае святлодыёдным асвятленне
Святлодыёдным асвятленне трубкі
Led цыбуліны замены
прывяло харчавання
Святлодыёдным асвятленне лямпы

LED лампи доставчик в Китай LED крушки тръба Енергийна ефективност LED осветителни решения LED крушки лампа

LED осветление производители
LED осветление фабрика
LED крушки осветление
LED осветление доставчик
LED светлина тръби
LED лампи производители
LED светлини тръба
LED осветление производителя в Китай
LED светлини крушка
LED лампи фабрика
Китай LED осветление фабрика
LED лампи доставчик
Китай LED лампи производители
LED лампи, крушка
Китай LED осветление доставчик
LED лампи фабрика в Китай
LED лампи, тръби
Енергийна ефективност LED осветителни решения
LED крушки тръба
LED лампи доставчик в Китай
Led assenmbly
LED лампи осветление
енергоспестяващи електрически крушки
Върховен Power LED осветителни тела
закрит доведе осветителни тела
LED крушки
Начална доведе осветителни тела
LED крушки лампа
доведе светлинен ефикасността
Супер ярки светодиодно осветление
LED осветление тръба
Led крушки замяна
доведе захранване
Led светлини
довело Китай
LED крушка осветление

LED lýsing framleiðanda í Kína Orka duglegur LED lausnir lýsing LED lampar lýsing Led assenmbly LED perur lampi

LED framleiðendur lýsing
LED lýsing verksmiðju
LED perur lýsing
LED lýsing birgir
LED ljós slöngur
LED lampar framleiðendur
LED ljós túpa
LED lýsing framleiðanda í Kína
LED ljós peru
LED lampar verksmiðju
Kína LED lýsing verksmiðju
LED lampar birgir
Kína LED lampar framleiðendur
LED lampar peru
Kína LED lýsing birgir
LED lampar verksmiðju í Kína
LED lampar túpa
Orka duglegur LED lausnir lýsing
LED perur túpa
LED lampar birgir í Kína
Led assenmbly
LED lampar lýsing
orkusparandi ljósaperur

hár máttur leiddi lightings
innanhúss leiddi lightings
LED ljósaperur
Forsíða leiddi lightings
LED perur lampi
leiddi lýsandi verkun
Super björt leiddi lýsing
LED rör lýsing
Led skipti perur
leiddi aflgjafa
Led ljós
leiddi Kína
LED peru lýsing


doprowadziły skuteczność świetlną Żarówki LED lampy Żarówki LED oświetlenie LED do domu Lampy LED dostawca w Chinach

Producenci oświetlenia LED
Fabryka oświetlenia LED
Żarówki LED oświetlenie
Dostawca oświetlenia LED
Lampy LED
Lampy LED producentów
LED tube
LED producentem oświetlenia w Chinach
Żarówka LED
Fabryka lamp LED
porcelana oświetlenie LED fabryki
Lampy LED dostawca
Chiny producentów lamp LED

Lampy LED żarówki
porcelana oświetlenie LED dostawca
Lampy LED fabryki w Chinach
Lampy LED tube
Energooszczędne rozwiązania oświetleniowe LED
Żarówki LED tube
Lampy LED dostawca w Chinach
Led assenmbly
LED świetlówki
żarówkami energooszczędnymi
oświetlenie LED wysokiej mocy
oświetlenie LED wewnątrz
Żarówki LED
oświetlenie LED do domu
Żarówki LED lampy
doprowadziły skuteczność świetlną
Super jasne diody LED oświetlenie
Oświetlenie LED tube
Wymiana żarówki LED
Zasilacz LED
Led światła
spowodował, że Chiny
Żarówka LED


چراغ لامپ چراغ چراغ کارخانه لامپ چین کارخانه چراغ روشنایی چین تولید کنندگان لامپ چراغ

تولید چراغ روشنایی
چراغ روشنایی کارخانه
لامپ های روشنایی چراغ
چراغ روشنایی منبع
به رهبری نور لوله
تولید کنندگان لامپ چراغ
چراغ لوله چراغ
تولید کننده وسایل روشنایی چراغ در چین
چراغ لامپ چراغ
چراغ کارخانه لامپ
چین کارخانه چراغ روشنایی
تامین کننده لامپ چراغ
چین تولید کنندگان لامپ چراغ
لامپ لامپ چراغ
چین به رهبری منبع روشنایی
LED lamps factory in china
لامپ های لوله چراغ
راه حل های کارآمد انرژی نور چراغ
لامپ های لوله چراغ
تامین کننده لامپ چراغ در چین
لامپهای چراغ
صرفه جویی در انرژی لامپ
قدرت بالا به رهبری چراغ های برق
در محیط داخلی به رهبری چراغ های برق
به رهبری نور لامپ
خانه رهبری چراغ های برق
لامپ لامپ چراغ
رهبری اثر نورانی
سوپر رهبری درخشان روشنایی
چراغ روشنایی لوله
رهبری لامپ جایگزین
رهبری منبع تغذیه
چراغ هدایت
رهبری چین
نور لامپ چراغ

Lampy LED producentów LED tube LED producentem oświetlenia w Chinach Żarówka LED

Producenci oświetlenia LED
Fabryka oświetlenia LED
Żarówki LED oświetlenie
Dostawca oświetlenia LED
Lampy LED
Lampy LED producentów
LED tube
LED producentem oświetlenia w Chinach
Żarówka LED
Fabryka lamp LED
porcelana oświetlenie LED fabryki
Lampy LED dostawca
Chiny producentów lamp LED
Lampy LED żarówki
porcelana oświetlenie LED dostawca
Lampy LED fabryki w Chinach
Lampy LED tube
Energooszczędne rozwiązania oświetleniowe LED
Żarówki LED tube
Lampy LED dostawca w Chinach
Led assenmbly
LED świetlówki
żarówkami energooszczędnymi
oświetlenie LED wysokiej mocy
oświetlenie LED wewnątrz
Żarówki LED
oświetlenie LED do domu
Żarówki LED lampy
doprowadziły skuteczność świetlną
Super jasne diody LED oświetlenie
Oświetlenie LED tube
Wymiana żarówki LED
Zasilacz LED
Led światła
spowodował, że Chiny
Żarówka LED


LED verskaffer in china Gelei assenmbly LED-beligting buise

LED-beligting vervaardigers
LED-beligting fabriek
LED-beligting bolle
LED-beligting data
LED ligte buise
LED vervaardigers
LED buis ligte
LED-beligting vervaardiger in china
LED gloeilamp ligte
LED fabriek
china LED-beligting fabriek
LED data
China LED vervaardigers
LED gloeilamp lampe
china LED-beligting data
LED fabriek in China
LED tube lampe
Energie-doeltreffende LED-beligting oplossings
LED tube bolle
LED verskaffer in china
Gelei assenmbly
LED-beligting buise
hoë vermoë gelei beligting
binne gelei beligting
LED gloeilampies
huis gelei beligting
LED gloeilampe
gelei helder doeltreffendheid
Baie helder gelei verligting
LED tube verligting
Gelei vervanging bolle
gelei power supply
Gelei ligte
gelei china
LED gloeilamp verligting

LED lamper fabrik i Kina LED rør lamper Energieffektive LED-belysning-løsninger

LED-belysning producenter
LED-belysning fabrik
LED-belysning pærer
LED-belysning leverandør
LED-lys rør
LED lamper producenter
LED-røret lyser
LED belysning producent i Kina
LED pære lyser
LED lamper fabrik
Kina LED belysning fabrikken
LED lamper leverandør
Kina LED lamper producenter
LED pære lamper
Kina LED belysning leverandør
LED lamper fabrik i Kina
LED rør lamper
Energieffektive LED-belysning-løsninger
LED rør pærer
LED lamper leverandør i Kina
Led assenmbly
LED-belysning rør
høj effekt førte lightings
Indendørs LED lightings
LED pærer
hjem førte lightings
LED pærer
førte lysudbytte
Super Bright LED belysning
LED-røret belysning
Led udskiftning pærer
førte strømforsyning
Led lys
førte Kina
LED pære belysning

LED-Schlauch-Lampen Energieeffiziente LED-Lichtlösungen LED-Schlauch Glühbirnen

LED-Beleuchtung Hersteller
LED-Beleuchtung Fabrik
LED-Beleuchtung Lampen
LED-Beleuchtung Lieferanten
LED Lichtschläuche
LED-Lampen Hersteller
LED Röhre leuchtet
LED-Beleuchtung Hersteller in China
LED-Lampe leuchtet
LED-Lampen Fabrik
China LED-Beleuchtung Fabrik
LED-Lampen Lieferant
China LED-Lampen Hersteller
LED Leuchtmittel Lampen
China LED-Beleuchtung Lieferanten
LED-Lampen-Fabrik in China
Energieeffiziente LED-Lichtlösungen
LED-Schlauch Glühbirnen
LED-Lampen Lieferant in China
Led assenmbly
LED Leuchtröhren
High Power LED Beleuchtungen
Zuhause LED-Beleuchtungen
LED Glühbirnen
führte Lichtausbeute
Super helle LED-Beleuchtung
LED-Schlauch Beleuchtung
Led Ersatzlampen
Led Leuchten
China führte
LED-Lampe Beleuchtung

Светодиодные лампы завод в Китае Светодиодные лампы трубки Энергосберегающие светодиодные световые решения

Светодиодные производителей светотехники
Светодиодное освещение завода
Светодиодные лампы освещения
Светодиодное освещение поставщиком
Свет труб
Светодиодные лампы производителей
Светодиодные фары трубки
Светодиодные производителя освещения в Китае
Светодиодные фары лампа
Светодиодные лампы завод
Китай светодиодного освещения завода
Светодиодные лампы поставщиком
Китай Светодиодные лампы производителей
Светодиодные лампы лампа
Китай светодиодное освещение поставщиком
Светодиодные лампы завод в Китае
Светодиодные лампы трубки
Энергосберегающие светодиодные световые решения
Светодиодные лампы трубки
Светодиодные лампы поставщиков в Китае
Led assenmbly
Светодиодных трубок освещения
энергосберегающие лампочки
СИД наивысшей мощности светильников
Крытый Светодиодные светильники
Светодиодные лампочки
Главная Светодиодные светильники
Светодиодные лампы лампы
привело светоотдача
Супер яркое светодиодное освещение
Светодиодное освещение трубки
Led луковицы замены
привело питания
Светодиодное освещение лампы


(Chip-on-Board) COB LED Spotlight E14 3W

  • Light Source: LED surface light source,COB (Chip-on-Board) design
  • Body Material: Aluminum.
  • Radiator Temp:< 50 degree.
  • Radiator Caft : Die-casting aluminum case - toughened glass lens
  • Environment-friendly and no UV or IR radiation.
  • No dazzling and mild color with light bending effect.
  • Long lifespan, low cost of maintenance.
  • Transformer is at the COB LED Spotlight directly attached, including a terminal block for power line .
  • Easy to install and maintain, and normal base type E can be matched.
  • Easy to install and maintain, replacement of traditional bulbs and no subsidiary fixture.

COB LED Spotlight : Excellent durability and stanbility at high temperature.

( Chip-on-Board ) COB LED Spotlight E14 3W

wattage3 w
Base typeE14
Base angle120 degree
Nominal voltage(product)Ac85 - 260V
Operating frequency47 - 63 Hz
Lifespan30,000 H
Radiator temp :< 50°C
Power factor :> 0.9
Casing material6063 aluminum cold forging
Style No#AL-SPTV-E14-3W
Luminous flux( 3,000 K ) 180 Lm
( 4,000 K ) 210Lm
( 6,400 K ) 240LM
Luminous efficacy( 3,000 K ) 60Lm/W
( 4,000 K ) 70Lm/W
( 6,400 K ) 80LM/W
Color temperatureWarm white : 3000 K
Nature white : 4000 K
Daylight white : 6400 K
Color rendering index Ra(3,000K) > 80 Ra
(4,000K) > 75 Ra
(6,400K) > 75 Ra
Light colorWarm white
Nature white
Daylight white
Dimensions : Φ: × H:Φ 50.6mm: × H: 86mm
Dimensions images:cob-led-spotlight-e14
Packging unitContains 100 Piece
Dimensions in
H × W × L
210mm × 280mm × 570mm
Gross weight11.8 Kg
Volume33.516 Cubic dec

This discreet COB LED Spotlight with minimal design is the ideal solution for the lighting requirements of hotels, retail and fitness areas and spaces that require exact light from compact fittings that are easy to install and maintain.

COB LED Spotlight are used widely for general ambient lighting in:

Replacement bulbs for traditional halogen lamps, especially for museums, art galleries, cosmetic,where UV or IR radiation is undesirable.
Suitable for products range of hotel, bar, SPA, hardware store, lighting store, exhibition booth,supermarket, electronic store, show room, and internet shop.

(Chip-on-Board) COB LED Spotlight GU10 3W

  • Light Source: LED surface light source,COB (Chip-on-Board) design
  • Body Material: Aluminum.
  • Radiator Temp:< 50 degree.
  • Radiator Caft : Die-casting aluminum case - toughened glass lens
  • Environment-friendly and no UV or IR radiation.
  • No dazzling and mild color with light bending effect.
  • Long lifespan, low cost of maintenance.
  • Transformer is at the COB LED Spotlight directly attached, including a terminal block for power line .
  • Easy to install and maintain, and normal base type E can be matched.
  • Easy to install and maintain, replacement of traditional bulbs and no subsidiary fixture.

COB LED Spotlight : Excellent durability and stanbility at high temperature.

Chip-on-Board ) COB LED Spotlight GU10 3W

wattage3 w
Base typeGU10
Base angle120 degree
Nominal voltage(product)Ac85 - 260V
Operating frequency47 - 63 Hz
Lifespan30,000 H
Radiator temp :< 50°C
Power factor :> 0.9
Casing material6063 aluminum cold forging
Style No#AL-SPTV-GU10-3W
Luminous flux( 3,000 K ) 180 Lm
( 4,000 K ) 210Lm
( 6,400 K ) 240LM
Luminous efficacy( 3,000 K ) 60Lm/W
( 4,000 K ) 70Lm/W
( 6,400 K ) 80LM/W
Color temperatureWarm white : 3000 K
Nature white : 4000 K
Daylight white : 6400 K
Color rendering index Ra(3,000K) > 80 Ra
(4,000K) > 75 Ra
(6,400K) > 75 Ra
Light colorWarm white
Nature white
Daylight white
Dimensions : Φ: × H:Φ 50mm: × H: 70mm
Dimensions images:cob-led-spotlight-gu10
Packging unitContains 100 Piece
Dimensions in
H × W × L
210mm × 280mm × 570mm
Gross weight11.8 Kg
Volume33.516 Cubic dec

This discreet COB LED Spotlight with minimal design is the ideal solution for the lighting requirements of hotels, retail and fitness areas and spaces that require exact light from compact fittings that are easy to install and maintain.

COB LED Spotlight are used widely for general ambient lighting in:

Replacement bulbs for traditional halogen lamps, especially for museums, art galleries, cosmetic,where UV or IR radiation is undesirable.
Suitable for products range of hotel, bar, SPA, hardware store, lighting store, exhibition booth,supermarket, electronic store, show room, and internet shop.

COB Dimmable LED Downlight Rotatable LED Ceiling Lamp

  • Light Source: LED surface light source,COB (Chip-on-Board) design
  • Body Material: Aluminum.
  • Radiator Temp:< 55 degree.
  • Radiator Caft : 6063 aluminum cold forging.
  • Environment-friendly and no UV or IR radiation.
  • No dazzling and mild color with light bending effect.
  • Long lifespan, low cost of maintenance.
  • Transformer is at the COB LED Downlight directly attached, including a terminal block for power line .
  • Easy to install and maintain, and normal base type E can be matched.
  • Easy to install and maintain, replacement of traditional bulbs and no subsidiary fixture.
  • Available for Switch controll (dimmable) or Non dimmable types.
  • Swivel range : 30 °

COB LED Downlight Speciality : Compatible with most SCR dimmer,integration of controlling several light available,no flicker

COB Dimmable LED Downlight Rotatable LED Ceiling Lamp ( option of dimmable or not-dimmable )

Nominal voltage(product)Ac85 - 265V
Operating frequency50 - 60 Hz
Lifespan30,000 H
Radiator temp :< 55°C
Power factor :> 0.9
Casing materialRadiator temp : 6063 aluminum cold forging
Body material:aluminum
Style No#AL-OCL203AL-OCL205AL-OCL303AL-OCL305
Wattage2 Light × 3w2 Light × 5w3 Light × 3w3 Light × 5w
Luminous fluxWarm white :
> 360 Lm

Cool white :
> 420 Lm

Nature white :
> 480 Lm
Warm white :
> 600 Lm

Cool white :
> 700 Lm

Nature white :
> 800 Lm
Warm white :
> 540 Lm

Cool white :
> 630 Lm

Nature white :
> 720 Lm
Warm white :
> 900 Lm

Cool white :
> 1050 Lm

Nature white :
> 1200 Lm
Luminous efficacyWarm white : 60 Lm/w
Cool white : 70 Lm/w
Nature white : 80 Lm/w
Color temperatureWarm white : 3000 K
Cool white : 4000 K
Nature white : 6400 K
Color rendering index RaWarm white : > 80 Ra
Cool white : > 75 Ra
Nature white : > 75 Ra
Light colorWarm white
Cool white
Nature white
Packging unitContains 10 Piece
Dimensions in
H × W × L
210 mm × 280 mm × 580 mm
Gross weight9.2 Kg
Volume34.104 Cubic dec

This discreet Downligh ter with minimal design is the ideal solution for the lighting requirements of hotels, retail and fitness areas and spaces that require exact light from compact fittings that are easy to install and maintain.
Available in two versions - fixed and adjustable - Pinhole can be installed in false ceilings with thickness from 1 to 20 mm with stainless steel springs. The front ring contains an accessory-holding ring.

Dimmable LED Downlights are used widely for general ambient lighting in:

Home /office lighting,display case lighting
Under cabinet lighting
Art lighting

Dimmable COB LED Downlight Round Swivel

  • Light Source: LED surface light source,COB (Chip-on-Board) design
  • Body Material: Aluminum.
  • Radiator Temp:< 55 degree.
  • Radiator Caft : 6063 aluminum cold forging.
  • Environment-friendly and no UV or IR radiation.
  • No dazzling and mild color with light bending effect.
  • Long lifespan, low cost of maintenance.
  • Transformer is at the COB LED Downlight directly attached, including a terminal block for power line .
  • Easy to install and maintain, and normal base type E can be matched.
  • Easy to install and maintain, replacement of traditional bulbs and no subsidiary fixture.
  • Available for Switch controll (dimmable) or Non dimmable types.
  • Swivel range : 30 °

COB LED Downligh Speciality : Compatible with most SCR dimmer,integration of controlling several light available,no flicker

COB Dimmable LED Downlight Round Swivel ( option of dimmable or not-dimmable )

Nominal voltage(product)Ac85 - 265V
Operating frequency50 - 60 Hz
Lifespan30,000 H
Radiator temp :< 55°C
Power factor :> 0.9
Casing materialRadiator temp : 6063 aluminum cold forging
Body material:aluminum
Style No#AL-CCL03AL-CCL05
Luminous fluxWarm white :
> 180 Lm

Cool white :
> 210 Lm

Nature white :
> 240 Lm
Warm white :
> 300 Lm

Cool white :
> 350 Lm

Nature white :
> 400 Lm
Luminous efficacyWarm white : 60 Lm/w
Cool white : 70 Lm/w
Nature white : 80 Lm/w
Color temperatureWarm white : 3000 K
Cool white : 4000 K
Nature white : 6400 K
Color rendering index RaWarm white : > 80 Ra
Cool white : > 75 Ra
Nature white : > 75 Ra
Light colorWarm white
Cool white
Nature white
Dimensions :Depth :66.5 mm

Outer diameter : Φ: 85 mm

Diameter : Φ: 75 mm
COB LED Downlight Round Swivel

Dimensions images
Packging unitContains 50 Piece
Dimensions in
H × W × L
210 mm × 480 mm × 480 mm
Gross weight14.5 Kg
Volume48.384 Cubic dec

This discreet Downligh ter with minimal design is the ideal solution for the lighting requirements of hotels, retail and fitness areas and spaces that require exact light from compact fittings that are easy to install and maintain.
Available in two versions - fixed and adjustable - Pinhole can be installed in false ceilings with thickness from 1 to 20 mm with stainless steel springs. The front ring contains an accessory-holding ring.

Dimmable LED downlights are used widely for general ambient lighting in:

Home /office lighting,display case lighting
Under cabinet lighting
Art lighting

COB LED Light Tube T10

  • COB LED Light Tube T10 9W 14W 19W 24W
  • Up to 80% energy savings.
  • Fits conventional fluorescent light fixture.
  • Super high efficiency lumen output.
  • High-efficient power design (Constant current).
  • Simple repair and maintenance with (Chip on board ) LEDs modular design.
  • Absolutely no flicker for eye protection
  • UV or IR free for skin & eye benefit.
  • Lower burden on air-conditioner.
  • Instant lighting-on with no flickering.
  • Excellent durability and stanbility at high temperature.

LED Light Tube T10 Using A Surface Light Emitting ( Chip On Board ) COB LEDs

COB LED Light Tube T10 9w / 14w / 19w / 24w

ItemCOB LED Tube T10 9wCOB LED Tube T10 14wCOB LED Tube T10 19wCOB LED Tube T10 24w
Style No#AL-T10-9WAL-T10-14WAL-T10-19WAL-T10-24W
Lamp holder / BaseG 13
Wattage9 w14 w19 w24 w
Luminous fluxCool white :
650 - 750 Lm
Cool white :
950 - 1050 Lm
Cool white :
1300 - 1400 Lm
Cool white :
1600 - 1700 Lm
Warm white :
550 - 650 Lm
Warm white :
850 - 950 Lm
Warm white :
1200 - 1300 Lm
Warm white :
1500 - 1600 Lm
Qtp of LED135210285360
Color temperatureCool white : 6000 K ± 300 K
Warm White : 3000 K ± 300 K
Color rendering index Ra≥ 75 Ra
Casing materialPC + Airlines Die - Cast aluminum
Power Factor ≥ 90%
Light colorWarm white / Cool white
Nominal voltage(product)Ac85 - 265V
Operating frequency50 - 60 Hz
L ×
Diameter : Φ
L: 588 mm
Φ : 30 mm
L: 894 mm
Φ : 30 mm
L: 1198 mm
Φ : 30 mm
L: 1498 mm
Φ : 30 mm
led tube light t5
Lifespan30,000 - 50,000 H
Packging unit25pc
Dimensions in
H × W × L
L : 220 mm × 210 mm × 650 mmL : 220 mm × 210 mm × 950 mmL : 220 mm × 210 mm × 1250 mmL : 220 mm × 210 mm × 1520 mm
Gross weight8 kg10.25 kg14.15 kg17.55 kg
Volume :
30.030 Cubic dec43.890 Cubic dec57.750 Cubic dec70.224 Cubic dec

Suitable for the offices, schools, basement parkings, restaurants, hotels, hypermarkets and many other places because the COB LED Tube Lamps do not contain poisonous and help with cost-saving and carbon reduction programmes. Available in various lengths and color temperatures, the Welland LED tube lamps come in various lengths and are designed to replace conventional fluorescent tube lamps. The tube lamps are manufactured with reliable plastic tube and high quality (Chip on board ) LEDs module, so are extremely safe and durable.

- Please cut off the main power supply before installation.
- The starter, ballast, electrical switch are not required for LED tube.
- To remove the electric switch and reconstruct the circuit by professional electrician is suggested.
- This COB LED tube is not Dimmable - Do not connect with the Dimmer.
- Do not use for Emergency Fittings.

LED Luminaire Design Guide

Lighting-class LEDs are now available that deliver the brightness, efficacy, lifetime, color temperatures, and white-point stability required for general illumination.

LED-based luminaires reduce total-cost-of-ownership ( TCO ) in these applications through maintenance avoidance ( since LEDs last much longer than traditional lamps ) and reduced energy costs.

There are over 20 billion light fixtures using incandescent, halogen, or fluorescent lamps worldwide. Many of these fixtures are being used for directional light applications but are based on lamps that put out light in all directions. The United States Department of Energy ( DOE ) states that recessed downlights are the most common installed luminaire type in new residential construction . In addition, the DOE reports that downlights using non-reflector lamps are typically only 50% efficient, meaning half the light produced by the lamp is wasted inside the fixture.

In contrast, lighting-class LEDs offer efficient, directional light that lasts at least 50,000 hours. Indoor luminaires designed to take advantage of all the benefits of lighting-class LEDs can: Exceed the efficacy of any incandescent and halogen luminaire Match the performance of even the best CFL ( compact fluorescent ) recessed downlights Provide a lifetime five to fifty times longer than these lamps before requiring maintenance Reduce the environmental impact of light: no mercury, less power-plant pollution, and less landfill waste.

Luminaires Or Lamps

Designing LEDs into general illumination requires a choice between designing either a complete luminaire based on LEDs or an LED-based lamp meant to install into an existing fixture. Generally, a complete luminaire design will have better optical, thermal and electrical performance than the retrofit lamp, since the existing fixture does not constrain the design. It is up to the designer to decide whether the total system performance of a new luminaire or the convenience of a retrofit lamp is more important in the target application.

LED-based Luminaires For The Following Four Characteristics:

1. Luminaire light output ( lumens )
2. Luminaire efficacy ( lumens per watt )
3. Correlated color temperaure ( degrees Kelvin )
4. Color-rendering index
DOEs CPTP sets a good precedent for LED luminaire design by focusing on the usable light output of a luminaire ¡ª not just the light output of the light source.

Design Process

1. Define Lighting Requirements

The design goals should be based either on an existing fixture¡¯s performance or on the application¡¯s lighting requirements.

2. Define design goals

♠ Specify design goals, which will be based on the application¡¯s lighting requirements.
♠ The designer should specify any other goals that will influence the design, such as special optical requirements or being able to withstand high temperatures.

3. Estimate efficiencies of the optical, thermal & electrical systems

♠ Design goals will place constraints on the optical, thermal and electrical systems.
♠ Good estimations of efficiencies of each system can be made based on these constraints.
♠ The combination of lighting goals and system effiiciencies will drive the number of LEDs needed in the luminaire.

4. Calculate the number of LEDs needed

Based on the design goals and estimated losses, the designer can calculate the number of LEDs needed to meet the design goals.

5. Consider all design possibilities and choose the best

♠ As with any design, there are many different ways to best achieve the design goals.
♠ LED lighting is still a new field, so assumptions that work for conventional lighting sources may not apply to LED lighting design.

6. Complete final steps

Complete circuit board layout.
♠ Test design choices by building a prototype luminaire.
♠ Make sure the design achieves all the design goals.
♠ Use the prototype design to further refine the luminaire design.
♠ Record observations and ideas for improvement.

Estimate Efficiencies of the Optical, Thermal & Electrical Systems

An LEDs luminous flux depends on a variety of factors, including drive current and junction temperature. To accurately calculate the necessary number of LEDs, the inefficiencies of the optical, thermal and electrical systems must be estimated first. Personal experience with previous prototypes, or the example numbers provided in this document, can serve as a guide to estimate these losses. This section walks through the process of estimating these system losses.

Optical System Efficiency

Optical system efficacy is estimated by examining light loss. There are two main sources of light loss to estimate:

1. Secondary Optics

Secondary optics are any optical system that is not part of the LED itself, such as a lens or diffuser placed over the LED. The losses associated with secondary optics vary depending on the particular element used. Typical optical efficiency through each secondary optical element is between 85% and 90%.

2. Light Loss Within the Fixture

Fixture light loss occurs when light rays from the light source strike the fixture housing before hitting the target. Some light is absorbed by the fixture housing, while some is reflected back into the fixture. The efficiency of the fixture is dictated by placement of the light source, the shape of the fixture housing, and materials used in the fixture housing.

Figure 2 - Comparison of CFL & COB LED Coefficient of Utilization

Calculate Number of LEDs Needed

Actual Lumens Needed

With all the system efficiencies estimated, the actual number of LED lumens required to achieve the design goals can be calculated. For this calculation, only the light efficiencies (optical and thermal) are used. The electrical efficiency affects only the total power consumed and fixture efficacy, not the amount of light coming out of the luminaire. The calculation of ¡°actual lumens needed¡± for the example luminaire is shown below:

Actual Lumens Needed = Target Lumens / (Optical Efficiency x Thermal Efficiency)

Operating Current

Another decision to be made is what operating current to use for the LEDs. Operating current plays an important role in determining the efficacy and lifetime of the LED luminaire. Increasing the operating current will result in more light output from each LED, thus reducing the number of LEDs needed. However, increasing operating current also has several drawbacks. Depending on the application, these drawbacks may be acceptable trade-offs for the higher per-LED lumen output.

For the example luminaire, lifetime and efficacy are top priority design goals. The luminaire will run at the minimum operating current listed on the XLamp XR-E datasheet (350 mA) to maximize LED efficacy and lifetime.

1. Reduced efficacy

Higher operating current reduces the efficacy of current generation power LEDs. In general, the size of the power supply will increase as operating current increases, since it takes more power to generate the same number of lumens.

2. Reduced maximum ambient temperature OR Decreased lifetime

Higher current will increase the temperature difference between the LED junction and the LEDs thermal path. In practical terms, since the maximum junction temperature is already decided, this reduces the maximum ambient temperature for the luminaire.

If instead of lowered maximum ambient temperature, the maximum junction temperature is raised, the LED will degrade in light output faster over its operational life.

Number of LEDs

After deciding on operating current, the lumen output of each LED can be calculated. Since the thermal loss of the LED has already been taken into account through the actual-lumens-needed calculation, the numbers specified in LED-supplier documentation can be used directly without further interpretation.

For this calculation, it is important to use the minimum flux listed for your LED order code and not the typical number on the data sheet. Most LED companies sell to minimum flux ranges. By designing against this minimum number, you are ensuring that all luminaires made with that LED order code meet the target requirements.

Number of LEDs = Actual Lumens Needed / Lumens per LED .

Optical System Options

1. Bare LEDs & existing lamp reflector

As discussed earlier, the beam angle of the existing CFL fixture and the LEDs are very similar. So, one available option is to use no secondary optics. This option provides the lowest cost and lowest optical loss for the system. Using fewer components and less labor makes the luminaire easier and cheaper to assemble.

The drawback is the multiple-source shadow effect, explained on the next page. Also, if the light distribution of the LED is significantly different than the target luminaire¡¯s distribution, then this option is not available.

2. LEDs with secondary optics & existing lamp reflector

Secondary optics are optical elements used in addition to the LED¡¯s primary optic to shape the LED¡¯s light output. The general types of secondary optics are reflecting (where light is reflected off a surface) or refracting (where light is bent through a refractive material, usually glass or plastic). Secondary optics are available either by buying a standard, off-the-shelf part or by designing a custom optic through ray-trace simulation with an optical source model.

By using a secondary optic per LED, the beam angle of each LED can be customized to provide the exact light output pattern necessary. For instance, the beam angle of each LED can be narrowed to make the luminaire optimized for spot lighting instead of general lighting.

There are several drawbacks to this approach. First, the luminaire will have higher cost because of additional components and more complicated assembly. Second, since the optics are attached to each LED, there may still be multiple-source shadowing. Finally, the secondary optics will reduce the optical system efficacy.

3. Bare LEDs, existing lamp reflector & diffuser

Instead of using one optic per LED, a diffuser can be used over the entire LED array to spread the light. The benefits of this approach are a wider beam angle than is possible with the bare LEDs and eliminating the multiple-source shadow effect.

As with Option 2, the drawbacks are higher cost and reduced optical system efficacy. This is also not an option if the light distribution must be narrower than the bare LED, since diffusers can only spread light, not collect it.

Illuminance distribution, the multiple-source shadow effect, and aesthetics will usually drive the decisions on the optical system. Option 2 is the only option if the light output must be narrower than the bare LED. If not, Option 1 is better in terms of cost, efficacy and brightness. However, both Options 1 and 2 will exhibit the multiple-source shadow effect.

Also, users looking up at Options 1 and 2 will notice each individual LED. Users of Option 3 will see only a diffuse, uniform light source.

Thermal System Options

1. Existing fixture housing

The lowest-cost option is to reuse the fixture housing of an existing design as the housing and heat sink for the LED luminaire.

Obviously, this is not an option for new luminaire designs. Also, most existing housings are made of steel, which is a poor thermal conductor. Generally, a steel housing will be a bad choice for a heat sink.

2. Off-the-shelf heat sink

Another option is to buy an off-the-shelf heat sink. This heat sink will be a proven design and come with full specifications from the manufacturer.

However, it may not be optimized in performance, size or shape for the target application.

3. Custom heat sink

A custom solution provides the best opportunity to optimize the heat sink for the application but has several drawbacks.

This option requires the designer to have access to thermal simulation software or access to a third party with thermal design expertise. Tooling and manufacturing fees may drive the per-unit cost of the custom heat sink higher than an off-the-shelf design.

Target luminaire cost, available heat sink development time, and target maximum ambient temperature will usually drive the decisions for the thermal system. In general, Option 2 is better for situations where low cost is more important than maximum ambient temperature. Option 3 is better when maximum ambient temperature is more important (e.g., outdoor lighting or indoor lighting in unconditioned spaces).

The example LED luminaire will use an off-the-shelf heat sink with a thermal resistance of 0.47¡ãC/W. With the heat sink thermal resistance value, the maximum ambient temperature can be calculated with the following formula:

Tj  =  Ta  +  (  Rth b-a  x   Ptotal  )  +   (  Pth j-sp  x   PLED  )

Tj              = LED junction temperature

Ta             = Ambient temperature

Rth b-a      = Heat sink thermal resistance

PLED         = Single LED power consumption

                 = (Operating current) x (Typical Vf @ Operating current)

Ptotal         = Total power consumption = (# LEDs) x PLED

Pth j-sp     = LED package thermal resistance

Example luminaire values:

Tj MAX       = 80°C

Rth b-a      = 0.47°C/W

PLED         = 0.35 A x 3.3 V = 1.155 W

Ptotal        = 16 x 1.155 W = 18.48 W

Rth j-sp     = 8°C/W

Ta MAX       = Tj MAX - ( Rth b-a x Ptotal ) - ( Rth j-sp x PLED )

Ta MAX       = 80°C - ( 0.47°C/W x 18.48 W ) - ( 8°C/W x 1.155 W )

Ta MAX       = 80°C - 8.6856°C - 9.24°C

Ta MAX       = 62°C

A maximum ambient temperature of 62°C for the example luminaire is acceptable for this indoor application. For an operating environment needing higher maximum ambient temperature, either the maximum junction temperature should be raised (which may impact lifetime) or the thermal system ( Rth b-a ) improved ( e.g., better heat sink ).

Electrical System Options

1. Off-the-shelf LED driver

An existing LED driver will provide the quickest design time, since it is already available and will come with a reference circuit design. All parts will be tested for EMI and safety regulations and will typically have the lowest per-unit cost in volume.

The drawbacks are that existing LED driver efficiencies are typically in the mid-80% range. Lifetime and operating temperatures may also be an issue, depending on the vendor and the application.

2. Next generation LED driver

As LED lighting is gaining in popularity, more semiconductor companies are turning their attention to optimizing LED driver designs. Another option is to partner with one of these companies on the next generation of LED drivers, which will have higher efficiencies and full regulatory approval.

However, waiting for the product development may delay the development of the LED luminaire. Also, smaller companies may not be able to work together with a driver company on an unreleased product.

3. Custom design

As with thermal design, a fully customized electrical system is an option. While it may be possible to get a higher efficacy than by using an off-the-shelf part, there are many potential drawbacks.

The burden of development and regulatory approval is now on the designer. Even after development, the per-unit cost may be higher than an existing solution. Also, keep in mind that driver companies will continue to develop more efficient and cheaper drivers during the LED luminaire development period.

Available development resources and target efficiency will usually drive the decisions for the electrical system. In today's high-power LED environment, improvements in the overall luminaire efficacy are driven more by the LEDs themselves and not the drivers. It may be advantageous to get a product out sooner rather than trying to wait until the electrical design is perfect.

Final Steps

Once the design decisions have been made, Table 8 (below) details the final steps to build and evaluate a prototype luminaire.

1. Board layout

♠ Complete the circuit board layout.
♠ Choose board material (FR4 vs. MCPCB) based on thermal and cost constraints.
♠ Keep in mind how the layout and positioning of parts will affect the light output and thermal flow of the luminaire.

2. Build a prototype

♠ Building one prototype (or several) is a valuable way to validate the design.
♠ Verify that the optical, thermal and electrical systems perform as they should.
♠ Test how easy the unit is to assemble.

3. Test prototype against design goals

♠ Test the prototype to make sure it achieves all the design goals.
♠ Testing can be done either internally or externally by a contracted luminaire-measuring company.

4. Finalize design & BOM

♠ Make final changes to the design (if any) based on the new information learned from analyzing the prototype.
♠ Document the final design and bill of materials.

5. Draw conclusions

♠ How could the existing design be improved if a different design choice was made?
♠ Are all of the original design goals still applicable, or are some less important than they seemed initially?
♠ Are there other applications that would benefit from LED light?

Lighting Metrics: Quantity, Quality, Efficiency

Because some 85% of human impressions are visual, proper quantity and quality of light are essential to optimum performance. The mission of lighting management is to provide the optimum quantity and quality of light to its users at the lowest operating cost.

Lighting metrics are used to understand and predict how a lighting system will operate. They deal with quantity of light (light output and light levels), quality of light (brightness and color), and fixture efficiency (electrical efficiency and how much light leaves the fixture).


Luminous Flux (Light Output). This is the quantity of light that leaves the lamp, measured in lumens (lm). Lamps are rated in both initial and mean lumens.

Initial lumens indicate how much light is produced once the lamp has stabilized; for fluorescent and high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, this is typically 100 hours.

Mean lumens indicate the average light output over the lamp's rated life, which reflects the gradual deterioration of performance due to the rigors of continued operation; for fluorescent lamps, this is usually determined at 40% of rated life.

A number of factors affect a lamp's light output over time, including lamp lumen depreciation, the lamp's interaction with the ballast, supply voltage variations, dirt or dust on the lamp, and the ambient temperature in the fixture.

To avoid confusion, note that "lumen output" is a term also used to describe a fixture's light output, not just a lamp's. Even more factors can affect light output in this case, including the distribution characteristics of the fixture, fixture surface depreciation, and dirt and dust buildup.

Illuminance (Light Level). This is the amount of light measured on the workplane in the lighted space. The workplane an imaginary horizontal, tilted or vertical line where the most important tasks in the space are performed. Measured in footcandles (fc) (or lux in metric), light levels are either calculated or, in existing spaces, measured with a light meter. A footcandle is actually one lumen of light density per square foot; one lux is one lumen per square meter. Like lumens, footcandles can be produced as either initial or maintained quantities.

Initial footcandles indicates a light level after new lamps are installed.

Maintained footcandles indicates a light level after light loss factors are considered over a period of time. Light loss factors include those affecting light output (see above) and also room surface reflectances, room size/proportions, dirt and dust buildup. While light output may describe either the output of a light source or fixture, maintained footcandles always takes into account the efficiency of the fixture in transmitting light to the workplane.

The human eye is a sophisticated piece of machinery; it is able to adjust to a wide range of light levels, including about 10,000 footcandles on a sunny day to about 0.01 footcandles under full moonlight. However, optimum ranges of light levels have been established for various tasks so that those tasks are performed most efficiently (reading a magazine, for example, would be difficult under moonlight, while 10,000 footcandles would be excessive).

For more information, see Lighting Design Basics and Light Loss Factors.


Luminance (Photometric Brightness). The light that we actually see, brightness can be measured as the light leaving a lamp, or the light reflecting from an object's surface. If not controlled, brightness can produce levels of glare that either impair or prevent a desired task being performed. Glare can be described as direct or reflected glare, which can then result in discomfort or disability.

Direct glare comes straight from the light source.

Reflected glare shows up on the task itself, such as a computer screen.

Discomfort glare does not prevent seeing makes it uncomfortable.

Disability glare prevents vision. A popular example is holding a glossy magazine at a certain angle; a veiling reflection results, impairing our reading of the page.

Color. The color quality of a lamp is revealed as its color temperature rating and Color Rendering Index (CRI) rating. For a detailed description of these metrics, see Color Metrics


There are two ways to look at a light fixture's (luminaire's) efficiency; one indicates how well the lighting system transforms electrical input into useful light output, and the other indicates how well the fixture itself transmits light from the lamp(s) to the workplane.

Electrical Efficiency. Lighting systems require electrical input to work. This input is measured in watts (W), a measure of required electric power. A lighting system's rated input wattage, therefore, is the amount of power required for it to work at any given instant of time.

Lamp manufacturers publish nominal wattage ratings for their lamps; when fluorescent and HID lamps are operated as a system with a ballast, however, a new rated wattage will result, published by the ballast manufacturer. Ballast manufacturers publish up to three input wattage ratings. The ANSI number is the result of a standardized ANSI test of that given ballast manufacturer's ballast operating a given compatible lamp type (often called the "bench test" because the lamps and ballasts are operated bare on a bench). The next one or two are the manufacturer's ratings for tests in actual open and/or enclosed fixtures.

While the manufacturer's ratings can be considered more realistic (because the testing takes place closer to actual field conditions), the ANSI number should be used when comparing different ballasts because it reflects the results of a common, standardized test procedure.

Therefore, one way to compare the electrical efficiency of lamp-ballast systems is to determine a common light output level, then compare the input wattage for various systems.

A more popular way of achieving a comparison of the relative efficiencies of lighting systems is to use efficacy, expressed in lumens per watt (LPW or lm/W). To determine a system's efficacy, divide its lumen output by its rated input wattage.

When lighting professionals apply the results of efficiency to actual system operation (usually to determine the operating cost savings of a retrofit, they need to determine the amount of energy the lighting system consumes, not just its input wattage. To calculate the energy use of a lighting system, multiply input wattage (W) x time (hours of operation during a year).

Example for Lighting System:

Input Wattage100W
Lumen Output 10,000 lm
Efficacy 100 LPW 10,000 lm ÷ 100W
Hours of Operation3,120 h5 days/week x 12 hours/day x 52 weeks/year
Energy Use312,000 Wh100W x 3,120 hrs/year
Energy Use312kWh312,000 watt-hours (Wh) ÷ 1,000 = 312 kilowatt-hours (kWh)
Utility Charge/kWh$0.075
Energy Cost/Year$23.40312kWh x $0.075/kWh